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Saturday, April 9, 2011

ERROR IN CONNECTION while updating microsoft security essentials behind a proxy server

When u try to update the software, it tries to establish a connection to the specific website.But as you are behind the proxy the request didn't get the path to the web server and hence no connection is established.
SO before updating you must need to configure it to work through proxy rather than trying directly..

To do so :::

STEP 1: Open command prompt in administrator mode.
STEP 2: TYPE "netsh winhttp set proxy"   and press enter

Replace with the address of your proxy server (same as you use in IE).

STEP 3: type exit and press enter.

You r done here now .JUST CLICK ON UPDATE now to get latest updates and enjoy the working....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Increase your internet speed (IE BROWSING SPEED)

We can easily speed up browsing speed of  Internet Explorer by making slight changes in cache memory for it.

We just need to increase the size of the Temporary Internet files cache on Internet Explorer.

To increase your speed,just follow these steps:


  • Click on the Tools and go to Internet Options.Open it by left click.

    • Go to  'General tab' in  Internet Options dialogue box.

    • Open Browsing history section
    • Click on Settings tab to open Temporary Internet Files and History Settings dialog box.

    • Click on the Automatically button in Check for newer versions of stored pages: section
    • Set the amount of Disk space to use to at least 200MB
    • Click OK.

    The increased cache may slow down your computer.