Aglet is an IBM technology on mobile Agents.
To install the aglet 2.0.1 on ur pc running windows 7,the steps are as follows:
STEP-2: Unzip it in C drive as C:\aglets.
STEP-3: Now set the environment variables of your computer.
- Go to properties of My Computer
- Now click to System Properties
- Double click on Environment Variables
- Click Advanced Tab.
- Click on New to enter new values of variables.
Assuming the intalled version of jdk is 1.7.0
The entries must be as follows :
Variable name: JAVA_HOME
For 32 bit OS, variable value: C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.7.0
For 64 bit OS, variable value: C:\Progra~2\Java\jdk1.7.0
Press Ok to save
Now set another new variable as
Variable name: AGLET_HOME
Variable value: C:\aglets
STEP-4: Now start Command prompt and change working directory to aglet's bin directory.
Run Command: ant install-home
STEP-5: Now Run Command: ant
This command will give message as BUILD SUCCESSFUL
To run the Talhiti server Command is :
agletsd -f ..\cnf\aglets.props
To run server at specific port use command: using port 9000
agletsd -f ..\cnf\aglets.props -port 9000